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Dension GBL3BM1 in Bmw e36 Business RDS

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2017, 07:00
by Miro
Hi, I'm interested but I'm not sure it works on my radio. I send photos of my radio to see her you can confirm it will work.
The radio comes from a Bmw e36 m3 '96
Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm not sure


Re: Dension GBL3BM1 in Bmw e36 Business RDS

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2017, 09:51
by Yuretz
GBL3BM1 should fit this radio according to Dension's compatibility list. For futhrer information, please contact Dension technical support specialists .

Re: Dension GBL3BM1 in Bmw e36 Business RDS

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2017, 05:12
by Miro
Ok Yuretz, I'll contact them to see if they can confirm it.

Thank you for the quick response, I will keep you informed.

Re: Dension GBL3BM1 in Bmw e36 Business RDS

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2017, 16:05
by Miro
Hello, unfortunately it seems that it is not compatible. At least "officially". This is the response of the technical service;

Officially this type is not supported sadly, we can offer you a Compact BT as a solution if you're interested, you can find more information about it in the below link: ... compact-bt

Technically I have cd changer connector, but "officially" is not compatible and the solution by fm or aux is not what I was looking for.
In the absence of a strong response, I will continue to investigate.