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ideo Interface for BMW with CIC System with Active Parking G

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2016, 22:24
by padhikar
Hi my video interface about 25% will not turn on once i start the car. AV input wont work and the rear camera... Wont even turn on with the remote. Other 75% it works fine, av in works, reverse camera works. I checked all the connections and they seem fine. Any reason this might occur? Any way to hold a button down to reset it without having to turn off the car and wait awhile for full shutdown? Please let me know.

Re: ideo Interface for BMW with CIC System with Active Parki

PostPosted: 25 Jul 2016, 16:07
by Yuretz
First, try resetting the settings ... e_v1.2.pdf , page 14.
Second, try different car models in the Factory settings ... e_v1.2.pdf .

If this doesn't help, then please provide a short video of the problem and a photo of the DIP switch positions.