I connected the NAV input to the RGB connctor.. I know i have the correct color wires on the car side (2005 Toyota Avalon). I know this because I have a service maunaul and I cut each wire the the differt color appeard on the screen (attach the red,, and the screen is red, etc)..
I then connected the ouput (to the lcd screen) the the RBG CS-out sires..
When I did this, first off the screen was slightly "bent" in the upper right corner, and had a green tine.. Also to see the NAV system I woudl have to press the button to the RGB input..
I have had a differnt sytem installed in the car for years, and the NAV would show up as the defaul.. manaing that you would not have to press any button to get the nav to show up..
I then though maybe the OEM R, G, B, Sync wires hsoul dbe connected to the OEM NAV screen (thinimkgin that this would be the efault input).. But this would not work at all.. All I would get is a blan screen.,,
Any ideas?